IAddrBook : IMAPIProp

The IAddrBook interface supports access to the MAPI address book and includes operations such as displaying common dialog boxes, opening containers, messaging users, and distribution lists, and performing name resolution.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIX.H
Exposed by: Address book objects
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications, service providers
Interface identifier: IID_IAddrBook
Pointer type: LPADRBOOK
Transaction model: Not writable

Vtable Order

Note The implementation of IMAPIProp::GetLastError for IAddrBook supports Unicode on Windows NT platforms only. The implementations of GetLastError for Windows 95 platforms and 16-bit platforms do not support Unicode.

OpenEntry Opens an address book entry and returns a pointer to an interface that can be used to access the entry.
CompareEntryIDs Compares two entry identifiers belonging to a particular address book provider to determine if they refer to the same address book object.
Advise Registers a client or service provider to receive notifications about changes to one or more entries in the address book.
Unadvise Cancels a notification registration previously established for an address book entry.
CreateOneOff Creates an entry identifier for a one-off address.
NewEntry Adds a new recipient directly to an address book container or to the recipient list of an outgoing message.
ResolveName Performs name resolution, assigning entry identifiers to recipients in a recipient list.
Address Displays the common address dialog box.
Details Displays a modal dialog box showing details about a particular address book entry.
RecipOptions Displays a dialog box showing the recipient option properties.
QueryDefaultRecipOpt Returns the recipient options that have been set for a particular address type by the transport provider.
GetPAB Returns the entry identifier of the container designated as the personal address book (PAB).
SetPAB Designates a particular container to be the personal address book (PAB).
GetDefaultDir Returns the entry identifier for the address book container that is initially made available.
SetDefaultDir Establishes a container as the default address book container — the container that is initially made available.
GetSearchPath Returns an ordered list of entry identifiers of containers to be included in the name resolution process initiated by the IAddrBook::ResolveName method.
SetSearchPath Sets a new search path in the profile that is used for the name resolution process.
PrepareRecips Prepares a recipient list for later use by the messaging system.