IMAPIFormMgr : IUnknown

The IMAPIFormMgr interface is used by form viewers to get information about and activate form servers.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIFORM.H
Exposed by: Form manager objects
Implemented by: Form library providers
Called by: Form viewers
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPIFormMgr

Vtable Order

LoadForm Launches a form to open an existing message.
ResolveMessageClass Resolves a message class to its form within a form container and returns a form information object for that form.
ResolveMultipleMessageClasses Resolves a group of message classes to their forms within a form container and returns an array of form information objects for those forms.
CalcFormPropSet Returns an array of the properties used by a group of forms.
CreateForm Launches a form to create a new message based on the form's message class.
SelectForm Presents a dialog box that enables the user to select a form and returns a form information object describing that form.
SelectMultipleForms Presents a dialog box that enables the user to select multiple forms and returns an array of form information objects describing those forms.
SelectFormContainer Presents a dialog box that enables the user to select a form container and returns an interface for the container object the user selected.
OpenFormContainer Opens an IMAPIFormContainer interface for a specific form container.
PrepareForm Downloads a form for launching.
IsInConflict Determines whether a form can handle its own message conflicts.