IMAPISession : IUnknown

The IMAPISession interface is used to manage objects associated with a MAPI logon session.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIX.H
Exposed by: Session objects
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications and MAPI
Interface identifier: IID_IMAPISession

Vtable Order

GetLastError Returns a MAPIERROR structure containing information about the previous session error.
GetMsgStoresTable Provides access to the message store table — a table with information about all of the message stores in the session profile.
OpenMsgStore Opens a message store and returns an IMsgStore pointer for further access.
OpenAddressBook Opens the MAPI integrated address book and returns an IAddrBook pointer for further access.
OpenProfileSection Opens a section of the current profile and returns an IProfSect pointer for further access.
GetStatusTable Provides access to the status table — a table with information about all of the MAPI resources in the session.
OpenEntry Opens an object and returns an interface pointer for further access.
CompareEntryIDs Compares two entry identifiers to determine if they refer to the same object.
Advise Registers to receive notification of specified events affecting the session.
Unadvise Cancels the sending of notifications previously set up with a call to the IMAPISession::Advise method.
MessageOptions Displays a dialog box showing option properties for a particular address type and message.
QueryDefaultMessageOpt Retrieves the message option properties for a particular address type.
EnumAdrTypes Returns the address types that can be handled by all of the transport providers in the session.
QueryIdentity Returns the entry identifier of the object that provides the primary identity for the session.
Logoff Ends a MAPI session.
SetDefaultStore Establishes a message store as the default message store for the session.
AdminServices Returns an IMsgServiceAdmin pointer for making changes to message services.
ShowForm Displays a form.
PrepareForm Creates a numeric token to be used by the IMAPISession::ShowForm method to access a message.