
The IMAPISupport::DoProgressDialog method retrieves a progress object for displaying a progress indicator.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknown.

HRESULT DoProgressDialog(
  ULONG ulUIParam,                  
  ULONG ulFlags,                    
  LPMAPIPROGRESS FAR * lppProgress  


[in] Handle of the parent window for the progress indicator.
[in] Bitmask of flags that controls how the progress object should calculate progress. The following flag can be set:
Progress is being calculated for a top-level item, such as a parent folder. The progress object should use the values in the IMAPIProgress::Progress method's ulCount and ulTotal parameters — which indicate the item being operated on and the total items to operate on respectively — to increment progress made on the operation.
[out] Pointer to a pointer to the progress object.

Return Values

The progress object was successfully retrieved.


The IMAPISupport::DoProgressDialog method is implemented for address book and message store provider support objects. These providers call DoProgressDialog to access the MAPI implementation of the IMAPIProgress interface which calculates the progress information and displays the result in a standard dialog box.

For information about how to use a progress object and the IMAPIProgress interface, see Displaying Progress Step by Step.

See Also

IMAPIProgress : IUnknown