
The IMAPISupport::Unsubscribe method cancels the responsibility for sending notifications that was previously established with a call to the IMAPISupport::Subscribe method.

Quick Info

See IMAPISupport : IUnknown.

HRESULT Unsubscribe(
  ULONG ulConnection  


[in] The non-zero connection number representing the notification registration previously established through IMAPISupport::Subscribe.

Return Values

The notification registration was canceled.
The connection number passed in the ulConnection parameter does not exist.


The IMAPISupport::Unsubscribe method is implemented for all service provider support objects. Service providers call Unsubscribe to cancel a notification registration previously set up by Subscribe. Unsubscribe cancels the registration by releasing the advise sink pointer passed in the Subscribe call.

Generally, the advise sink's IUnknown::Release method is called during the Unsubscribe call, but if another thread is in the process of calling the IMAPIAdviseSink::OnNotify method for the advise sink object, the Release call is delayed until the OnNotify method returns.

See Also

IMAPIAdviseSink::OnNotify, IMAPISupport::Subscribe