
The IMsgStore::GetReceiveFolderTable method provides access to the receive folder table, a table that includes information about all of the receive folders for the message store.

Quick Info

See IMsgStore : IMAPIProp.

HRESULT GetReceiveFolderTable(
  ULONG ulFlags,              
  LPMAPITABLE FAR * lppTable  


[in] Bitmask of flags that controls table access. The following flags can be set:
Allows GetReceiveFolderTable to return successfully, possibly before the table is fully accessible to the caller. If the table is not fully accessible, making a subsequent table call can result in an error.
The returned strings are in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, the strings are in ANSI format.
[out] Pointer to a pointer to the receive folder table.

Return Value

The receive folder table was successfully returned.


The IMsgStore::GetReceiveFolderTable method provides access to a table showing the property settings for all of the message store's receive folders.

Notes to Implementers

For a list of required columns in a receive folder table, see Receive Folder Tables.

Implement your receive folder tables to support setting property restrictions on the PR_RECORD_KEY property, allowing easy access to particular receive folders.

Notes to Callers

Setting the MAPI_UNICODE flag in the ulFlags parameter affects the format of the columns returned from the following IMAPITable methods:



This flag also controls the property types in the sort order returned by the IMAPITable::QuerySortOrder method.

See Also

IMAPITable::QueryColumns, IMAPITable::QueryRows, IMAPITable::QuerySortOrder, IMAPITable::SetColumns