The PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC property contains the topic of the first message in a conversation thread.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Message objects
Identifier: 0x0070
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x0070001E (0x0070001F for Unicode)


A conversation thread represents a series of messages and replies. The PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC property is set for the first message in a thread, usually to the PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT property. Subsequent messages in the thread should use the same PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC without modification.

The PR_CONVERSATION_INDEX property indicates the order relationship between subsequent messages and replies. Its use is optional, even if PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC is set.

A message store provider has the option of assuring that PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC is always set on incoming or outgoing messages. If PR_CONVERSATION_TOPIC is already set it should not be altered. If not, it can be set to PR_NORMALIZED_SUBJECT. Any action should be taken before IMAPIProp::SaveChanges is called.

See Also

Conversation Properties