The PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG property contains formatting information about a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachment.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Attachment subobjects
Identifier: 0x370E
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x370E001E (0x370E001F for Unicode)


If the PR_ATTACH_TAG property contains the value OID_MIMETAG, the transport provider should look at the PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG property to determine how the attachment is formatted.

PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG is copied from the Content-type parameter of the inbound MIME header. The composition of the string is defined in the RFC 1521 document. The format is type/subtype, such as application/binary or text/plain.

See Also

Attachment Properties