The PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME property contains TRUE if this messaging user is specifically named as a primary (To), carbon copy (CC), or blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient of this message and is not part of a distribution list.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Recipient subobjects
Identifier: 0x0059
Property type: PT_BOOLEAN
Property tag: 0x0059000B


The PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME property provides a convenient way to determine whether the user name appears explicitly in the recipient list, without examining all entries in the list. The value represents the logical OR operation of the properties PR_MESSAGE_CC_ME and PR_MESSAGE_TO_ME, and the BCC information (which does not otherwise appear in a property).

PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME assists automated handling of received messages at the time of receipt. At the transport provider's option, this property either contains FALSE or is not included if the messaging user is not listed directly in the recipient table.

Message delivery resulting from distribution list expansion does not cause this property to be set. The recipient must be explicitly named.

Unsent messages generally do not set the PR_MESSAGE_CC_ME, PR_MESSAGE_RECIP_ME, or PR_MESSAGE_TO_ME properties. If they are present in messages the user can access in public message stores, in other users' private stores, in files on disk, or embedded inside other received messages, they generally contain the values to which they were set the last time a transport provider delivered the message.

See Also

Recipient List Properties