The PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES property contains a sized array of entry identifiers for recipients that are to get a reply.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
May be exposed by: Message objects
Identifier: 0x004F
Property type: PT_BINARY
Property tag: 0x004F0102
Corresponding X.400 attribute: IM_REPLY_RECIPIENTS


The PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES property contains a FLATENTRYLIST structure and is not a multivalued property.

When this property is not present, a reply is sent only to the user identified by PR_SENDER_ENTRYID. When PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES and PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES are defined, the reply is sent to all of the recipients identified by these two properties. A transport provider uses these properties to override the usual reply logic.

If either PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_ENTRIES or PR_REPLY_RECIPIENT_NAMES is set, the other property must be set also. These properties must contain the same number of recipients, and they must contain them in the same order. Failure to observe these requirements can cause unpredictable results.

See Also

Message Properties