The PR_TRANSMITTABLE_DISPLAY_NAME property contains a recipient's display name in a secure form that cannot be changed.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Messaging user objects
Identifier: 0x3a20
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x3A20001E (0x3A20001F for Unicode)


The PR_TRANSMITTABLE_DISPLAY_NAME property should be furnished by all address book providers. It contains the version of the recipient's display name that is transmitted with the message. For most address book providers this property has the same value as the PR_DISPLAY_NAME property. Providers that do not have a secure display name return PT_ERROR and MAPI changes the display name by adding quotation marks around the name.

A client application can use PR_TRANSMITTABLE_DISPLAY_NAME to prevent alteration or "spoofing" of entries. An example of spoofing is transmitting John Doe as John (What a Guy) Doe.

This property was formerly defined as PR_TRANSMITABLE_DISPLAY_NAME.

See Also

Supplemental Name Properties