The PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME property contains the base filename of the MAPI service provider DLL.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Profile section objects
Identifier: 0x300A
Property type: PT_TSTRING
Property tag: 0x300A001E (0x300A001F for Unicode)


MAPI uses a DLL file naming convention. The base filename contains up to six characters that uniquely identify the DLL. MAPI appends the string 32 to the base DLL name to identify the version that runs on 32-bit platforms. For example, when the name MAPI.DLL is specified, MAPI constructs the name MAPI32.DLL to represent the corresponding 32-bit version of the DLL.

The PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME property should specify the base name. MAPI appends the string 32 as appropriate. Including the string 32 as part of the PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME property results in an error.

See Also

Provider Properties, PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME