The PR_RENDERING_POSITION property contains an offset, in characters, to use in rendering an attachment within the main message text.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPITAGS.H
Must be exposed by: Attachment subobjects
Identifier: 0x370B
Property type: PT_LONG
Property tag: 0x370B0003


When the supplied offset is –1 (0xFFFFFFFF), the attachment is not rendered using the PR_RENDERING_POSITION property. All values other than –1 indicate the position within PR_BODY at which the attachment is to be rendered.

Note The character at PR_RENDERING_POSITION in PR_BODY is replaced by the attachment. Typically this character is a space, although a special placeholder character can also be used.

PR_RENDERING_POSITION is expressed in characters. In some character sets this is not equivalent to bytes. Unicode applications can compute the position based on two-byte characters. Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) applications must scan the text up to the PR_RENDERING_POSITION value, because their character representation varies between one and two bytes per character.

This property should not be used with Rich Text Format (RTF) text. The rendering position is indicated in RTF by an escape sequence called the object attachment placeholder. This sequence consists of the string \objattph followed by a single character, normally a space, that will be replaced by the attachment rendering.

See Also

Attachment Properties