Display Table Controls

There are many different types of controls, none unique to MAPI. However, MAPI defines its own structures that are used in conjunction with BuildDisplayTable to describe the unique set of data involved with each control.

The following table describes the structures that describe each type of control.

Control structure Description
DTBLBUTTON Describes a button control.
DTBLCHECKBOX Describes a check box control.
DTBLCOMBOBOX Describes a combo box control.
DTBLDDLBX Describes a drop down list box control.
DTBLEDIT Describes an edit control.
DTBLGROUPBOX Describes a group box control.
DTBLLABEL Describes a label control.
DTBLLBX Describes a list box control.
DTBLMVDDLBOX Describes a multi-value drop down list box control.
DTBLMVLISTBOX Describes a multi-value list box control.
DTBLPAGE Describes a tabbed page control.
DTBLRADIOBUTTON Describes a radio button control.