The SCODE data type is a 32-bit status value that is used to describe an error or warning.

typedef ULONG     SCODE; 


On 32-bit platforms, the SCODE data type is the same as the HRESULT data type. On 16-bit platforms, an SCODE value is used to generate an HRESULT value.

An SCODE value is divided into four fields:

Many of the MAPI functions and methods return SCODE values defined as HRESULT data types as do the OLE methods and functions. OLE defines several macros that can be used to convert between an SCODE and an HRESULT on a 16-bit platform.

For more information about how MAPI uses the SCODE data type, see Error Handling. For more information about OLE and the SCODE data type, see the OLE Programmer's Reference.

See Also