
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The IConsole interface enables communication with the console.

When to Implement

You do not implement IConsole. It is implemented by the console's node manager. A pointer to the IConsole interface is passed to the snap-in through IComponent::Initialize and IComponentData::Initialize. Each IComponent and IComponentData get their own private IConsole interface pointers.

When to Use

This interface enables your snap-in component to communicate with the console.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IConsole Methods Description
SetHeader Used by instances of IComponent only.Sets the header interface to be used for this IComponent..
SetToolbar Used by instances of IComponent only. Sets the toolbar interface to be used for this IComponent.
QueryResultView Queries IConsole for the result view object's IUnknown interface pointer.
QueryScopeImageList Queries the console-provided scope pane's image list.
QueryResultImageList Queries the console-provided result pane's image list.
UpdateAllViews Generates a notification to update views because of content change.
MessageBox Displays a message box.
QueryConsoleVerb Query for the IConsoleVerb interface.
SelectScopeItem Selects the given scope pane item.
GetMainWindow Returns a handle to the main frame window.
NewWindow Returns a handle to the main frame window.