
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Enables the snap-in to retrieve a view mode for the result view pane.

HRESULT GetViewMode(
  long * lViewMode  // Pointer to the current view mode


[out] Pointer to the view mode to be retrieved. It can be one of the following:
Value Meaning
LVS_ICON Items are displayed as title strings under their large (32x32) icon representations. Subitems and headers are not displayed.
LVS_REPORT Items are displayed as title strings to the right of their small (16x16) icon representations. Items are tabulated under the header in the zero position of the zero-based index on the left side of the result view pane. Subsequent headers are produced from left to right and corresponding subitems are placed beneath each. To enter the report mode, you must have already called IConsole::SetHeader.
LVS_SMALLICON Items are displayed as title strings under their small (16x16) icon representations. Subitems and headers are not displayed.
LVS_LIST Items are displayed as title strings to the right of their small (16x16) icon representations. Subitems and headers are not displayed.

This parameter must not be NULL.

Return Values

The view mode was successfully retrieved.
An unexpected error occurred.
The IViewMode parameter is NULL.


This method provides the same functionality for both result view panes and virtual lists.

See Also

IResultData, IResultData::SetViewMode