[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The MMCBUTTON structure contains values used to create buttons on a toolbar. This structure is similar to the TBBUTTON structure discussed in the Platform SDK topics related to common controls.

typedef struct _MMCBUTTON
    int      nBitmap ; 
    int      idCommand;
    BYTE     fsState;
    BYTE     fsType;
        LPOLESTR     lpButtonText;
    LPOLESTR     lpTooltipText;


Specifies the zero-based index of a button image.
Specifies the command identifier returned when a button is clicked. This can be any integer value the user wants.
Specifies the button-state flags. This member can be any of the following values:
Value Meaning
TBSTATE_CHECKED The button has the TBSTYLE_CHECKED style and is being pressed.
TBSTATE_ENABLED The button accepts user input. A button that does not have this state does not accept user input and is grayed.
TBSTATE_HIDDEN The button is not visible and cannot receive user input.
TBSTATE_INDETERMINATE The button is grayed.
TBSTATE_PRESSED The button is being pressed.
TBSTATE_WRAP A line break follows the button. The button must also have the TBSTATE_ENABLED.

Specifies the button style. This member can be a combination of the following values:
Value Meaning
TBSTYLE_BUTTON Creates a standard push button.
TBSTYLE_CHECK Creates a button that toggles between the pressed and not-pressed states each time the user clicks it. The button has a different background color when it is in the pressed state.
TBSTYLE_CHECKGROUP Creates a check button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed.
TBSTYLE_GROUP Creates a button that stays pressed until another button in the group is pressed.
TBSTYLE_SEP Creates a separator, providing a small gap between button groups. A button that has this style does not receive user input.

Pointer to the text associated with a particular instance of the MMCBUTTON structure.
Pointer to the text for a particular tooltip.

See Also
