
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Retrieves a requested interface pointer for an accessible object based on a previously generated object reference.

STDAPI ObjectFromLresult(
  LRESULT lResult,
  REFIID riid,
  WPARAM wParam,
  void** ppvObject


A 32-bit value returned by a previous successful call to the LresultFromObject function.
Reference identifier of the interface to be retrieved.
Additional information as provided in the associated wParam parameter of the WM_GETOBJECT message.
Location, in screen coordinates, of the interface pointer to return.

Return Values

Returns S_OK if successful or one of the following COM error codes otherwise.

E_INVALIDARG One or more arguments are invalid. Most commonly, this occurs when the lResult parameter specified is not a value obtained by a call to LresultFromObject, or when lResult is a value used on a previous call to ObjectFromLresult.
E_NOINTERFACE The object does not support the interface specified by the riid parameter.
E_UNEXPECTED An unexpected error occurred.

This function can return other values, identical to those returned by the CoUnMarshalInterface OLE function.

Returns an interface pointer to an object given a 32-bit LRESULT value returned by a previous call to LresultFromObject on the same computer. You can pass a value returned by LresultFromObject to ObjectFromLresult only once; if it is passed subsequent times, the function fails and returns an error value.

Note Active Accessibility servers or clients can't use this function. Only oleacc.dll can use this function, which is documented only for informational purposes.