Voice Property


Returns or sets the text that is passed to the speech engine grammar (for recognition) for matching this Command for the character.


agent.Characters ("CharacterID").Commands ("name").Voice [= string]

Part Description
string A string value corresponding to the words or phrase to be used by the speech engine for recognizing this Command.


If you do not supply this parameter, the caption for your Commands object will not appear in the Commands Window. If you specify a Voice parameter but not a Caption, the command will not appear in the Commands Window, but it will be voice-accessible when the client application becomes input-active.

Your string expression can include square bracket characters ([ ]) to indicate optional words and vertical bar characters (|) to indicate alternative strings. Alternates must be enclosed in parentheses. For example, "(hello [there] | hi)" tells the speech engine to accept "hello," "hello there," or "hi" for the command. Remember to include appropriate spaces between the text that's in brackets or parentheses and the text that's not in brackets or parentheses.

You can also use an ellipsis (…) to support word spotting, that is, telling the speech recognition engine to ignore words spoken in this position in the phrase (sometimes called garbage words). Therefore, the speech engine recognizes only specific words in the string regardless of when spoken with adjacent words or phrases. For example, if you set this property to "…check mail…", the speech recognition engine will match phrases like "please check mail" or "check mail please" to this command. Ellipses can be used anywhere within a string. However, be careful using this technique as it may increase the potential of unwanted matches.

When defining the word grammar for your command, always make sure that you include at least one word that is required; that is, avoid supplying only optional words. In addition, make sure that the word includes only pronounceable words and letters. For numbers, it is better to spell out the word rather than using the numeric representation. Also, omit any punctuation or symbols. For example, instead of "the #1 $10 pizza!", use "the number one ten dollar pizza". Including non-pronounceable characters or symbols for one command may cause the speech engine to fail to compile the grammar for all your commands. Finally, make your voice parameter as distinct as reasonably possible from other voice commands you define. The greater the similarity between the voice grammar for commands, the more likely the speech engine will make a recognition error. You can also use the confidence scores to better distinguish between two commands that may have similar or similar-sounding voice grammar.

NoteThe operation of this property depends on the state of the server's speech recognition property. For example, if speech recognition is disabled or not installed, this property has no effect.
