
When a Command event occurs, the Microsoft Agent server returns information through the UserInput object. IAgentUserInput defines an interface that allows applications to query these values.

Methods in Vtable Order

IAgentUserInput Methods Description
GetCount Returns the number of command alternatives returned in a Command event.
GetItemId Returns the ID for a specific Command alternative.
GetItemConfidence Returns the value of the Confidence property for a specific Command alternative.
GetItemText Returns the value of Voice text for a specific Command alternative.
GetAllItemData Returns the data for all Command alternatives.


HRESULT GetAllItemData(
   VARIANT * pdwItemIndices,  // address of variable for alternative IDs
   VARIANT * plConfidences,   // address of variable for confidence scores
   VARIANT * pbszText         // address of variable for voice text

Retrieves the data for all Command alternatives passed to an IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a variable that receives the IDs of Commands passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a variable that receives the confidence scores for Command alternatives passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a variable that receives the voice text for Command alternatives passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.

If voice input was not the source for the Command, for example, if the user selected the command from the character's pop-up menu, the Microsoft Agent server returns the ID of the Command selected, with a confidence score of 100 and voice text as NULL. The other alternatives return as NULL with confidence scores of zero (0) and voice text as NULL.

See also IAgentUserInput::GetItemConfidence, IAgentUserInput::GetItemText, IAgentUserInput::GetItemID


   long * pdwCount  // address of a variable for number of alternatives 

Retrieves the number of Command alternatives passed to an IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a variable that receives the count of Commands alternatives identified by the server.

If voice input was not the source for the command, for example, if the user selected the command from the character's pop-up menu, GetCount returns 1. If GetCount returns zero (0), the speech recognition engine detected spoken input but determined that there was no matching command.


HRESULT GetItemConfidence(
   long dwItemIndex,    // index of Command alternative
   long * plConfidence  // address of confidence value for Command 

Retrieves the confidence value for a Command passed to an IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


The index of a Command alternative passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a variable that receives the confidence score for a Command alternative passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.

If voice input was not the source for the command, for example, if the user selected the command from the character's pop-up menu, the Microsoft Agent server returns the confidence value of the best match as 100 and the confidence values for all other alternatives as zero (0).

See also IAgentUserInput::GetItemID, IAgentUserInput::GetAllItemData, IAgentUserInput::GetItemText


   long dwItemIndex,    // index of Command alternative
   long * pdwCommandID  // address of a variable for number of alternatives 

Retrieves the identifier of a Command alternative passed to an IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


The index of the Command alternative passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a variable that receives the ID of a Command.

If voice input triggers the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback, the server returns the IDs for any matching Commands defined by your application.

See also IAgentUserInput::GetItemConfidence, IAgentUserInput::GetItemText, IAgentUserInput::GetAllItemData


HRESULT GetItemText(
   Long dwItemIndex,  // index of Command alternative
   BSTR * pbszText    // address of voice text for Command 

Retrieves the voice text for a Command alternative passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


The index of a Command alternative passed to the IAgentNotifySink::Command callback.


Address of a BSTR that receives the value of the voice text for the Command.

If voice input was not the source for the command, for example, if the user selected the command from the character's pop-up menu, the server returns NULL for the Command's voice text.

See also IAgentUserInput::GetItemConfidence, IAgentUserInput::GetItemID, IAgentUserInput::GetAllItemData