
IAgentSpeechInputProperties provides access to the speech recognition properties maintained by the server. Most of the properties are read-only for client applications, but the user can change them in the Microsoft Agent property sheet. The Microsoft Agent server only returns values if a compatible speech engine has been installed and is enabled. Querying these properties attempts to start the speech engine.

Methods in Vtable Order

IAgentSpeechInputProperties Methods Description
GetInstalled Returns whether a compatible speech recognition engine has been installed.
GetEnabled Returns whether the speech recognition engine is enabled.
GetHotKey Returns the current key assignment of the listening hot key.
GetLCID Returns the locale (language) ID of the selected speech recognition engine.
GetEngine Returns the ID of the selected speech recognition engine.
SetEngine Sets the ID for the selected speech recognition engine.
GetListeningTip Returns whether the Listening Tip is enabled.


HRESULT GetEnabled(
   long * pbEnabled  // address of variable for speech recognition engine 
);                   // Enabled setting

Retrieves a value indicating whether the installed speech recognition engine is enabled.


Address of a variable that receives TRUE if the speech engine is currently enabled and FALSE if disabled.

If GetInstalled returns FALSE, querying this setting returns an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::GetInstalled


HRESULT GetEngine(
BSTR * pbszEngine  // address of variable for speech engine mode ID 

Retrieves the mode ID for the current selected speech recognition engine.


Address of a BSTR that receives a string representation of the CLSID for the selected speech recognition engine.

If GetInstalled and GetEnabled return FALSE, querying this setting returns an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::SetEngine


BSTR * pbszHotCharKey  // address of variable for listening hotkey 

Retrieves the current keyboard assignment for the speech input listening hot key.


Address of a BSTR that receives the current hot key setting used to open the audio channel for speech input.

If GetInstalled and GetEnabled return FALSE, querying this setting raises an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::GetEnabled, IAgentSpeechInput::GetInstalled


HRESULT GetInstalled(
long * pbInstalled  // address of variable for speech recognition engine
);                  // installation flag

Retrieves a value indicating whether a speech recognition engine has been installed.


Address of a variable that receives TRUE if a compatible speech recognition engine has been installed and FALSE if no engine is installed.

If GetInstalled and GetEnabled return FALSE, querying any other speech input properties returns an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::GetEnabled


LCID * plcidCurrent  // address of variable for locale ID 

Retrieves the current setting for the locale ID.


Address of LCID that receives the current locale setting. The locale setting determines the language of the speech recognition engine.

If GetInstalled and GetEnabled return FALSE, querying this setting returns an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::GetEnabled, IAgentSpeechInput::GetInstalled


HRESULT GetListeningTip(
long * pbListeningTip  // address of variable for listening tip flag

Retrieves a value indicating whether the Listening Tip is enabled for display.


Address of a variable that receives TRUE if the Listening Tip is enabled for display, or FALSE if the Listening Tip is disabled.

If GetInstalled and GetEnabled return FALSE, querying any other speech input properties returns an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::GetEnabled, IAgentSpeechInput::GetInstalled


HRESULT SetEngine(
BSTR bszEngine  // speech engine mode ID 

Sets the selected speech recognition engine.


A BSTR that contains a string representation of the CLSID for the desired speech recognition mode (engine).

If GetInstalled and GetEnabled return FALSE, setting this property returns an error.

See also IAgentSpeechInput::GetEngine