PointSelected Event


Occurs when the user clicks a data point.


Private Sub object_PointSelected ( series As Integer, dataPoint As Integer, mouseFlags As Integer, cancel As Integer )

The PointSelected event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
series Integer. Identifies the series containing the data point. Series are numbered in the order that their columns appear in the data grid, beginning with 1.
dataPoint Integer. Identifies the data point's position in the series. Points are numbered in the order that their rows appear in the data grid, beginning with 1.
mouseFlags Integer. Indicates whether a key is held down when the mouse button is clicked, as described in Settings.
cancel Integer. This argument is not used at this time.


The event handler determines if a key is held down when the mouse button is clicked and sets mouseFlags to:

Constants Description
VtChMouseFlagShiftKeyDown If the SHIFT key is held down.
VtChMouseFlagControlKeyDown If the CONTROL key is held down.