Cluster Administrator Extension Interfaces

The interfaces in the Cluster Administrator Extension API allow developers to create property sheets and integrate them into Cluster Administrator's graphical environment and to retrieve data from Cluster Administrator.

The following table describes each of the extension interfaces:

Interface Description
IGetClusterDataInfo Retrieves information about a cluster.
IGetClusterGroupInfo Retrieves information about a group.
IGetClusterNodeInfo Retrieves information about a node.
IGetClusterObjectInfo Retrieves information about a cluster object.
IGetClusterResourceInfo Retrieves information about a resource.
IGetClusterUIInfo Retrieves information about Cluster Administrator's user interface.
IWCContextMenuCallback Adds menu items to Cluster Administrator's context menu.
IWCPropertySheetCallback Adds property sheets to Cluster Administrator's property pages.
IWCWizardCallback Adds a property page to Cluster Administrator's Create Group or Create Resource and manages navigation.
IWEExtendContextMenu Enhances a Cluster Administrator context menu.
IWEExtendPropertySheet Enhances a Cluster Administrator property sheet.
IWEExtendWizard Enhances Cluster Administrator's Create Group or Create Resource wizard.
IWEInvokeCommand Performs commands associated with items added to Cluster Administrator context menus.

Note  Cluster Administrator extensions must make all calls to interface methods in the Cluster Administrator Extension API from a single thread. This style of threading is referred to as apartment model threading.