LooksAlivePollInterval Property for Resources

The LooksAlivePollInterval property provides the recommended interval in milliseconds that the Cluster Service should poll the resource to determine if it appears operational. The polling occurs when the Resource Monitor calls the resource DLL's LooksAlive entry point function.

Quick Info

Access: Read/write
Function: ClusterResourceControl


When ClusterResourceControl processes the CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_GET_COMMON_PROPERTIES control code, it returns a property list that includes the LooksAlivePollInterval property as one of the entries. The property value portion of the entry contains a CLUSPROP_DWORD structure that is set as follows:

DWORD LooksAlivePollIntervalData = 300;
CLUSPROP_DWORD LooksAlivePollIntervalValue;
LooksAlivePollIntervalValue.Syntax = CLUSPROP_SYNTAX_LIST_VALUE_DWORD;
LooksAlivePollIntervalValue.cbLength = sizeof(DWORD);
LooksAlivePollIntervalValue.dw = LooksAlivePollIntervalData;

If a resource does not set the LooksAlivePollInterval property or sets it to – 1, the Cluster Service uses the LooksAlivePollInterval property for the resource type associated with the resource.

When the data value for LooksAlivePollInterval is set to zero, the Resource Monitor never calls the resource DLL's LooksAlive entry point function. Instead, the resource DLL should return an event handle from the Online call that is signaled when a resource fails.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in clusapi.h.