Common Node Properties

Common node properties are data values that describe all nodes. They are static values stored in the cluster database. To access common node properties, applications typically call ClusterNodeControl with one of the following values for the dwControlCode parameter:

For the get, set, and validate operations, ClusterNodeControl either requires as input or returns as output a property list that contains an entry for every property. Each entry has two parts: a property name and a property value. The property name contains a syntax value, a string describing the name, the length of the string, and padding if necessary to properly align the name. The property value is similar to the name in that it also contains a syntax value and a length. The data portion varies depending on the type of property. For most properties, a cluster structure such as CLUSPROP_SZ or CLUSPROP_DWORD is used to store the property value in the property list.

The Quick Info tables that appear with each property describe the following pieces of information: