
The ClusterGroupEnum function enumerates the resources in a group and/or the nodes that are possible owners of a group, returning the name of the resource or node with each call.

DWORD WINAPI ClusterGroupEnum(
  HGROUPENUM hGroupEnum,  
  DWORD dwIndex,          
  LPDWORD lpdwType,       
  LPWSTR lpszResourceName,  
  LPDWORD lpcbName        


[in] Handle to a group enumerator object returned by the ClusterGroupOpenEnum function.
[in] Index of the resource or node to return. This parameter should be zero for the first call to ClusterGroupEnum and then incremented for subsequent calls.
[out] Pointer to the type of object returned by ClusterGroupEnum. Valid values are:
The object is one of the resources in the group.
The object is one of the nodes that are in the possible owners list of the group.
[out] Pointer to the name of the returned resource or node, including the terminating NULL character.
[in, out] On input, pointer to the count of characters in the buffer pointed to by the lpszResourceName parameter. This size should include the terminating NULL character. On output, pointer to the count of characters stored in the buffer, excluding the terminating NULL character.

Return Values

The operation was successful.
There are no more resources or nodes to be returned.
The buffer pointed to by lpszResourceName is not long enough to hold the required number of characters in the cluster component's name. ClusterGroupEnum sets the contents of the lpcbName parameter to the required buffer length.

If the operation was unsuccessful due to a problem other than those described with the ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS or ERROR_MORE_DATA values, ClusterGroupEnum returns a Win32 error value.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in clusapi.h.