Customizing a Resource DLL

The resource DLL that is created by the Resource Type AppWizard contains implementations of all of the necessary entry point functions, but these implementations are very basic, providing only a basic failover and failback capability. There are three main reasons for customizing and enhancing the resource DLL source files that are generated by the AppWizard:

The source files in your resource DLL project include comments that begin with TODO: to indicate where to insert additional functionality or ADDPARAM: to indicate where to insert additional parameters or properties. The following modifications are common:

  1. Add library files specific to your resource type. Add lines for your resource-specific libraries after the following:
    #pragma comment(lib, "clusapi.lib")
  2. Add header files specific to your resource type. Add any header files that provide definitions and declarations specific to your resource type after these lines:
    #include <clusapi.h>
    #include <resapi.h>
    #include <stdio.h>