The RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM structure contains information about a property. The RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM structure is defined in RESAPI.H.

typedef struct _RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM {
    LPWSTR  Name;
    LPWSTR  KeyName; 
    DWORD   Format; 
    DWORD   Default;
    DWORD   Minimum; 
    DWORD   Maximum;
    DWORD   Flags;
    DWORD   Offset; 


Name of the property described in the structure.
Name of the cluster database subkey for the property.
Format of the property such as CLUSPROP_FORMAT_BINARY or CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD. See CLUSPROP_SYNTAX for a list of valid format values.
Default data value for the property. The value of the Default member depends on the data value of the Format member. For example, if the Format member is set to CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD, the Default member contains a DWORD value.
Minimum data value for the property. For data values with the CLUSPROP_FORMAT_BINARY and CLUSPROP_FORMAT_MULTI_SZ formats, the Minimum member contains the size in bytes of the default data value specified by Default.
Maximum data value for the property.
Bitmask that describes the property. Valid values are:



Byte offset to the property's data in a buffer known as a parameter block. The type of data in the parameter block differs depending on its format, as indicated by the Format member. For example, if the Format member is set to CLUSPROP_FORMAT_DWORD, the data in the parameter block referenced by Offset is a DWORD value.


The RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM structure can be used to build or parse a property list, to read or update properties, and as an entry in a property table. A property table is defined as an array of RESUTIL_PROPERTY_ITEM structures. Many of the Cluster Resource Utility Functions use property tables as input or output parameters.

For more information about property tables and their relationship to parameter blocks, see About Property Tables.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in clusapi.h.