
The Close entry point function closes a resource.

  RESID ResourceId  


[in] Resource identifier of the resource to close.

Return Values


Notes to Implementers

Expect Close to be called only once for a particular resource. In your implementation, deallocate all of the structures that were allocated by any of the following functions:

If the resource to be closed is not yet offline, call Terminate to forcibly take it offline.

Make your implementation of Close take less than 300 milliseconds to complete if at all possible. However, if this time limit is exceeded, the Cluster Service handles the situation properly.

Call the Win32 function SetLastError just before returning.


In Cluster Server's File Share resource DLL, Close uses the resource identifier in ResourceId as an index into a resource table that keeps track of all of the resources that are handled by the DLL. Close retrieves the address of the resource structure, deallocates it, and enters NULL in the appropriate entry in the resource table to indicate that the entry was indeed deallocated.


  Version: Use Windows NT Server Enterprise Edition 4.0.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in resapi.h.