Resource API Structures and Macros

The Resource API contains structures and macros that are used to:

The function table contains the version number of the Resource API being used by a resource DLL and holds pointers to each of the resource DLL entry point functions. Resource DLLs that support multiple resource types must provide one function table for each resource type.

The structure that is used to describe status information for a resource, RESOURCE_STATUS, is passed as a parameter with the SetResourceStatus function.

Cluster Server defines the following macros and structures:

Structure or macro Description
CLRES_FUNCTION_TABLE Structure that contains the version of the Resource API and pointers to all Resource API entry points except Startup.
CLRES_V1_FUNCTION_TABLE Macro that creates a function table for Resource API version 1.0.
CLRES_V1_FUNCTIONS Structure that contains pointers to all resource entry points in the Resource API except Startup for Resource API 1.0.
RESOURCE_STATUS Structure that contains information about a resource that is being brought online or taken offline.