[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The Handler is notified through this event when a modal dialog has to be removed.
On regular dialogs: "Return", "Exit", "Retry", or "Ignore".
On error dialogs" "ErrorOk", "ErrorCancel", "ErrorAbort", "ErrorRetry", "ErrorIgnore", "ErrorYes", or "ErrorNo".
In all cases the Handler removes the present dialog.
If the argument is "Exit", the wizard sequence is closed, the control returns to the Engine with the UserExit value.
If the argument is "Retry", the wizard sequence is closed, the control returns to the Engine with the Suspend value.
If the argument is "Ignore", the wizard sequence is closed, the control returns to the Engine with the Finished value.
The above three arguments can be used only on dialogs that are not children of some other dialog.
If the argument is "Return", the control returns to the parent of the present dialog, if there is a parent. If there is no parent, the control returns to the Engine with the Success value.
For buttons on an error dialog, the possible values correspond to the return codes to the Engine.
A PushButton control on a modal dialog is tied to this event in the ControlEvent table to dismiss a dialog.