[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The two types of advertising are assigning and publishing. An application appears installed to a user when that application is assigned to the user. That is, the Start menu contains the appropriate shortcuts, icons are present, files are associated with the application, and registry entries reflect the application's installation. When the user tries to open an assigned application, it is installed as described in Just-In-Time Installation.
Publishing, by contrast, does not populate the user interface. However, if another application attempts to open the published application there is enough information present to install the application. A published application can also be opened through its file association or Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type. A user could also start the installation on demand by using a list of published applications that has been authored into the installer package.
Assigning and publishing enables an administrator to make applications required or optional to different groups of users. Published applications do not overwrite file associations of assigned applications, so optional applications do not interfere with required applications. This is a central part of how the installer can be used to improve system management.