
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The MsiCreateTransformSummaryInfo function creates summary information of an existing transform to include validation and error conditions. Execution of this function sets the error record, accessible via MsiGetLastErrorRecord

UINT MsiCreateTransformSummaryInfo(
  MSIHANDLE hDatabase,          // database handle
  MSIHANDLE hDatabaseReference, // reference database without changes
  LPCTSTR szTransformFile,      // name of generated transform file
  int iErrorConditions,         // conditions treated as errors when 
                                // transform applied
  int iValidation               // properties to be validated when
                                // transform applied


Handle to the database that contains the new database Summary Information.
Handle to the database that contains the original Summary Information.
The name of the transform that the Summary Information is being added to.
The error conditions that should be suppressed when the transform is applied. Choose either:
0x0000 None of the following conditions.

or one or more of the following values:
Value Meaning
0x0001 Adding a row that already exists.
0x0002 Deleting a row that doesn't exist.
0x0004 Adding a table that already exists.
0x0008 Deleting a table that doesn't exist.
0x0010 Updating a row that doesn't exist.

Specifies those properties to be validated to verify the transform can be applied to the database. This parameter can be one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
0x0000 - Validate no properties.
0x0001 - Default language must match base database.
0x0002 - Product must match base database.
0x0004 - Platform must match base database.

Validate product version flags.
Value Meaning
0x0008 - Check major version only.
0x0010 - Check major and minor versions only.
0x0020 - Check major, minor, and update versions.

Product version relationship flags.
Value Meaning
0x0040 - Applied database version < base database version.
0x0080 - Applied database version <= base database version.
0x0100 - Applied database version = base database version.
0x0200 - Applied database version >= base database version.
0x0400 - Applied database version > base database version.

Return Values

An invalid or inactive handle was supplied.
An invalid parameter was passed to the function.
The transform storage file could not be opened.
The function succeeded.