[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
The MsiGetMode function returns one of the Boolean internal installation states.
BOOL MsiGetMode(
MSIHANDLE hInstall, // installer handle
MSIRUNMODE iRunMode // run mode
Value | Meaning |
MSIRUNMODE_ADMIN | The administrative mode is installing, or the product is installing. |
MSIRUNMODE_ADVERTISE | The advertisements are installing, or the product is installing or updating. |
MSIRUNMODE_MAINTENANCE | An existing installation is being modified, or there is a new installation. |
MSIRUNMODE_LOGENABLED | The log file is active. It was enabled prior to the installation session. |
MSIRUNMODE_OPERATIONS | Execute operations are spooling, or they are in the determination phase. |
MSIRUNMODE_REBOOTATEND | A reboot is necessary after a successful installation (settable). |
MSIRUNMODE_REBOOTNOW | A reboot is necessary to continue the installation (settable). |
MSIRUNMODE_CABINET | Files from cabinets and Media table files are installing. |
MSIRUNMODE_SOURCESHORTNAMES | The source LongFileNames is suppressed through the PID_MSISOURCE summary property. |
MSIRUNMODE_TARGETSHORTNAMES | The target LongFileNames is suppressed through the SHORTFILENAMES property. |
MSIRUNMODE_RESERVED11 | Reserved for future use. |
MSIRUNMODE_WINDOWS9X | The operating system is Windows 95 or Windows 98. |
MSIRUNMODE_ZAWENABLED | The operating system supports demand installation. |
MSIRUNMODE_RESERVED14 | Reserved for future use. |
MSIRUNMODE_RESERVED15 | Reserved for future use. |
If the function succeeds, the return value is the BOOL internal installer state.
If the function fails, the return value is FALSE.
Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows NT 4.0.
Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
Windows CE: Unsupported.
Header: Declared in msiquery.h.
Import Library: Use msi.lib.
Database Access Reference, Installer State Access Functions