InstallUISequence Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The InstallUISequence table lists actions that are executed when the top-level INSTALL action is executed.

Actions in the install sequence up to the InstallValidate action, and the exit dialogs, are located in the InstallUISequence table. All actions from the InstallValidate through the end of the install sequence are in the InstallExecuteSequence table. Because the InstallExecuteSequence table needs to stand alone, it has any necessary initialization actions such as LaunchConditions, CostInitialize, FileCost, and the CostFinalize, and it has the ExecuteAction action.

The InstallUISequence table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
Action Identifier Y N
Condition Condition Y
Sequence Integer Y


Name of the action to execute, either a built-in action, a custom action, or a user interface wizard.

Primary table key.

Logical expression. If the expression evaluates to expFalse, the action is skipped. If the expression syntax is invalid, the sequence terminates, returning iesBadActionData. For information on the expression syntax, see MsiEvaluateCondition.
Number that determines the sequence position in which this action is to be executed.

A positive value represents the sequence position. A Null value indicates that the action is never to be executed. The following negative values indicate that this action is to be executed if the Action Sequencer returns the associated return code.
This value Corresponds with this return code
-1 Successful completion (iesSuccess).
-2 User terminates install (iesUserExit).
-3 Fatal exit terminates (iesFailure).
-4 Install is suspended (iesSuspend).

Zero, all other negative numbers, or a Null value indicate that the action is never to be executed.


Associated localized text for progress display or logging is specified in the ActionText table.

For an example of a sequence table, see Using a Sequence Table.