EventMapping Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The EventMapping table lists the controls that subscribe to some event and lists the attribute to be changed when the event is published.

The EventMapping table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
Dialog_ Identifier Y N
Control_ Identifier Y N
Event Identifier Y N
Attribute Identifier N


An external key that, combined with the Control_ key, uniquely identifies a control.

External key to column one of the Dialog table.

An external key that, combined with the Dialog_ key, uniquely identifies a control.

External key to column two of the Control table.

An identifier that specifies the type of the event that the control subscribes to.
The name of the control attribute that is set when this event is received. The argument of the event is passed as the argument of the Attribute call to change this attribute of the control. This column may be left blank if no attribute of the control should be changed by the publisher; in this case the publisher can still enable, disable, hide, or unhide the control.


More than one control on a dialog can be specified as a subscriber to the same event.