BBControl Table

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The BBControl table contains the controls to be displayed on the specified billboard.

The BBControl table has the following columns.

Column Type Key Nullable
Billboard_ Identifier Y N
BBControl Identifier Y N
Type Identifier N
X Integer N
Y Integer N
Width Integer N
Height Integer N
Attributes DoubleInteger Y
Text Text Y


Name of the billboard.

External key to column one of the Billboard table.

Name of the control. This name must be unique within a billboard but can be repeated on different billboards. Combined with the Billboard_ column, they form the primary key to this table.
The type of the control. For a list of supported control types, see Control Overview. It is not advisable to put any control other than the static ones (that is, text, bitmap, icon) on a billboard. The author can also specify a custom control type.
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.

Non-negative numbers only.

Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle of the control.

Non-negative numbers only.

Width of the bounding rectangle of the control.

Non-negative numbers only.

Height of the bounding rectangle of the control.

Non-negative numbers only.

A 32-bit word that specifies the attribute flags to be applied to this control. For a list of supported control attributes, see Control Overview.

Non-negative numbers only.

A string used to set the initial text contained within a control (if appropriate). If the text is too long to be displayed on the control, the string is truncated. This column may be left blank. If the control is a pushbutton or a checkbox that contains a picture (icon or bitmap), this column is the name of the picture (a key into the Binary table). It is not possible to show both a picture and text on the same button.


The integer values for x, y, width, and height are in the installer units, not dialog units. An installer unit is equal to one-twelfth the height of the system font. Coordinates for the controls are relative to the billboard.