FeatureValidStates Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This is the FeatureValidStates property of the MsiEngine object. This property returns an integer representing bit flags with each relevant bit representing a valid installation state for the specified feature.




MsiEngine object.
Required string name of the feature item whose valid installation states are to be retrieved.


The return value is composed of bit flags as follows. Bit 0: if set, Local is a valid state. Bit 1: if set, Source is a valid state.

The GetFeatureValidStates method determines state validity by querying all the components that are linked to the specified feature (without taking into account the current installed state of any component). If any of these components has a value of irsOptional in the RunFromSource column, or if at least one component is marked irstLocalOnly and at least one other component is marked irsSourceOnly, then both iisLocal and iisSource are valid states for the feature. If all components are set to irsLocalOnly, then iisLocal is the only valid state. If all components are set to irsSourceOnly, then iisSource is the only valid state.