Finding a Function, Property, Structure, or ActiveX Component

Information on MSMQ SDK and MSMQ Mail SDK functions, properties, structures, and ActiveX components can be found in several places. The following information provides one way to get information on these topics. Once you become familiar with the Microsoft® Message Queue Server Programmer's Reference, you will develop your own methods to quickly find answers to your questions.

First, look in MSMQ Reference to find information on a specific item. A reference page for each item is included in this section of the Software Development Kit.

From the reference page, use the jumps to look at examples in Using MSMQ, or look at background information on the MSMQ concepts in the MSMQ Guide.

For example, to find information on MQCreateQueue, you could first go to MQCreateQueue in the Reference section, and then go to Creating a Queue for an example, or go to MSMQ Queues for background information on queues.