PeekData Method


Similar to GetData except PeekData does not remove data from the input queue. This method works only for TCP connections.


object.PeekData data, [type,] [maxLen]

The PeekData method syntax has these parts

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
data Stores retrieved data after the method returns successfully. If there is not enough data available for requested type, data will be set to Empty.
type Optional. Type of data to be retrieved, as described in Settings. Default Value: vbArray + vbByte.
maxLen Optional. Length specifies the desired size when receiving a byte array or a string. If this argument is missing for byte array or string, all available data will be retrieved. If provided for data types other than byte array and string, this argument is ignored.


The settings for type are:

Type Constant
Byte vbByte
Integer vbInteger
Long vbLong
Single vbSingle
Double vbDouble
Currency vbCurrency
Date vbDate
Boolean vbBoolean
SCODE vbError
String vbString
Byte Array vbArray + vbByte

Return Value



If the type is specified as vbString, string data is converted to UNICODE before returning to the user.