Interface and Function Summary

The OLE Transactions interfaces and functions can be divided into the following groups based on the functions they provide:

  1. Utility Interfaces and Functions—used to establish the initial connection to MS DTC and to locate the MS DTC proxy core object given a transaction object.
  2. Transaction Initiation and Control Interfaces—used by application programs and resource managers to begin, commit, and abort transactions, and to determine the status of transactions.
  3. Transaction Propagation Interfaces—used by the RM proxy and resource managers to propagate transactions between processes and between systems.
  4. Resource Manager Interfaces—used by transaction managers and resource managers to communicate. The resource manager uses these interfaces to enlist in transactions and to recover transactions following a failure. The resource manager implements one of these interfaces as a callback interface. The resource manager is called on this interface if the transaction manager fails.
  5. Transaction Coordination (Two-phase Commit) Interfaces—used by transaction managers and resource managers to perform the two-phase commit protocol.
  6. Transaction Voter Interfaces—used to notify application servers of distributed transaction outcomes and to veto atomic commitment during the first phase of the two-phase commit protocol.