
The ICDrawBegin function initializes the renderer and prepares the drawing destination for drawing.

DWORD ICDrawBegin(
  HIC hic,                  
  DWORD dwFlags,            
  HPALETTE hpal,            
  HWND hwnd,                
  HDC hdc,                  
  int xDst,                 
  int yDst,                 
  int dxDst,                
  int dyDst,                
  int xSrc,                 
  int ySrc,                 
  int dxSrc,                
  int dySrc,                
  DWORD dwRate,             
  DWORD dwScale             


Handle of the decompressor to use.
Decompression flags. The following values are defined:
Application can animate the palette.
Drawing is a continuation of the previous frame.
Draws the decompressed data on the full screen.
Draws the decompressed data to a window or a DC.
DC is off-screen.
Determines if the decompressor can decompress the data. The driver does not decompress the data.
Current frame is being updated rather than played.
Handle of the palette used for drawing.
Handle of the window used for drawing.
DC used for drawing.
xDst, yDst
The x- and y-coordinates of the upper right corner of the destination rectangle.
dxDst, dyDst
Width and height of the destination rectangle.
Address of a BITMAPINFO structure containing the format of the input data to be decompressed.
xSrc, ySrc
The x- and y-coordinates of the upper right corner of the source rectangle.
dxSrc, dySrc
Width and height of the source rectangle.
Frame rate numerator. The frame rate, in frames per second, is obtained by dividing dwRate by dwScale.
Frame rate denominator. The frame rate, in frames per second, is obtained by dividing dwRate by dwScale.

Return Values

Returns ICERR_OK if the renderer can decompress the data or ICERR_UNSUPPORTED otherwise.


The ICDRAW_HDC and ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN flags are mutually exclusive. If an application sets the ICDRAW_HDC flag in dwFlags, the decompressor uses hwnd, hdc, and the parameters defining the destination rectangle (xDst, yDst, dxDst, and dyDst). Your application should set these parameters to the size of the destination rectangle. Specify destination rectangle values relative to the current window or DC.

If an application sets the ICDRAW_FULLSCREEN flag in dwFlags, the hwnd and hdc parameters are not used and should be set to NULL. Also, the destination rectangle is not used and its parameters can be set to zero.

The source rectangle is relative to the full video frame. The portion of the video frame specified by the source rectangle is stretched or shrunk to fit the destination rectangle.

The dwRate and dwScale parameters specify the decompression rate. The integer value specified for dwRate divided by the integer value specified for dwScale defines the frame rate in frames per second. This value is used by the renderer when it is responsible for timing frames during playback.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in vfw.h.
  Import Library: Use vfw32.lib.

See Also

Video Compression Manager Overview, Video Compression Functions, BITMAPINFO