The MCIWNDM_REALIZE message realizes the palette currently used by the MCI device in an MCIWnd window. This macro is defined with the MCIWNDM_REALIZE message. You can send this message explicitly or by using the MCIWndRealize macro.

wParam = (WPARAM) (BOOL) fBkgnd; 
lParam = 0; 


Background flag. Specify TRUE for this parameter if the window is a background application.

Return Values

Returns zero if successful or an error otherwise.


MCIWNDM_REALIZE uses the palette of the MCI device and calls the RealizePalette function. If your application explicitly handles the WM_PALETTECHANGED and WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE messages, you should use this message in your application instead of using RealizePalette. If the body of one of these message handlers contains only RealizePalette, forward the message to the MCIWnd window, which will automatically realize the palette.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in vfw.h.

See Also

MCIWnd Window Class Overview, MCIWnd Messages, MCIWndRealize, RealizePalette, WM_PALETTECHANGED, WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE