MediaServer Control Events

Events supported by the MediaServer control are divided into the following categories:

The TraceView control allows users to filter most events according to their type. Some events, however, can not be filtered. MediaServer control events and their types are summarized in the following table:

Event Type Description
OnAdminBandwidthLimit Admin Fired when the aggregate bandwidth, as specified by the MaxBandWidth property, has been modified.
OnAdminClientLimit Admin Fired when an administration application changes the maximum number of clients.
OnAdminCServerOffline Admin Fired when an administration application takes a content server offline.
OnAdminDiskOffline Admin Fired when an administration application takes a disk offline.
OnAdminDiskOnline Admin Fired when an administration application takes a disk online.
OnAdminDiskRebuild Admin Fired when an administration application starts a disk rebuild process.
OnAdminDiskRebuildStop Admin Fired when an administration application stops a disk rebuild.
OnAdminFileBitRateLimit Admin Fired when the bandwidth of a title, as specified by the MaxTitleBitRate property, has been modified.
OnAdminKillClient Admin Fired when an administration application uses the Delete method in the Clients collection or when it calls the KillClient method.
OnAdminRestripeStart Admin Fired when an administration application starts title redeployment.
OnAdminRestripeStop Admin Fired when an administration application stops title deployment.
OnClientConnect Client Fired when a new client connection is established.
OnClientDisconnect Client Fired when a client disconnects from NetShow Theater.
OnClientPlay Client Fired when a client Player starts streaming a title.
OnClientStop Client Fired when a client Player stops streaming a title.
OnClientStride Client Fired when a client plays a title in fast-forward or fast-rewind mode.
OnConnectEvents Unfiltered Fired when a control in an administration application establishes a connection to the NetShow Monitor Service.
OnCServerFail Alert Fired when a content server has failed.
OnCServerLinkFail Alert Fired when a link between two content servers has failed.
OnCServerLinkUnfail Server Fired when a failed link between two content servers is restored.
OnCServerOffline Server Fired when a content server goes offline.
OnCServerOnline Server Fired when a content server goes online.
OnCServerStart Server Fired when a content server establishes a connection with the title server.
OnCServerUnknown Alert Fired when a content server has a duplicate or invalid ID.
OnDisconnect Unfiltered Fired when a control link to NetShow Theater is disconnected prematurely.
OnDisconnectEvents Unfiltered Fired when a control link in an administrative application loses connection to the NetShow Monitor Service.
OnDisconnectFunnel Unfiltered Fired when the data path from a computer adding content to a content server or streaming disconnects.
OnDiskFail Alert Fired when a disk in a content server fails to operate.
OnDiskOffline Server Fired when a content server's disk goes offline.
OnDiskOnline Server Fired when a content server's disk goes online.
OnDiskRebuildAbort Server Fired when a disk rebuild is aborted.
OnDiskRebuildFinish Server Fired when a disk rebuild is completed.
OnDiskRebuildProgress Server Fired periodically, on the order of a few seconds, to show the progress on the rebuilding of a content server disk.
OnDiskRebuildStart Server Fired when a disk rebuild is started.
OnMaxBandwidth Alert Fired when the maximum aggregate bandwidth surpasses the value specified by the MaxBandwidth property.
OnMaxClients Alert Fired when the number of clients connected surpasses the value specified by the MaxClients property.
OnReportError Unfiltered Fired when an error is reported.
OnRestripeAbort Server Fired when title redeployment is aborted.
OnRestripeFinish Server Fired when title redeployment is completed.
OnRestripeProgress Server Fired periodically, on the order of a few seconds, to show the title redeployment progress.
OnRestripeStart Server Fired when title redeployment is started.
OnServerFault Alert Fired when either fault tolerance is disabled and a single disk fails, or fault tolerance is enabled and more than one disk fails in the same mirror factor value.
OnServerOffline Alert Fired when a title server goes offline.
OnServerOnline Server Fired when a title server goes online.
OnTitleAddError Unfiltered Fired if an error occurs while a title is being added.
OnTitleCreate Admin Fired when a title starts to be added.
OnTitleRemove Admin Fired when a title has been successfully removed.
OnTitleRename Admin Fired when a title has been successfully renamed.
OnTitleUpdate Admin Fired when either a title's meta data is modified or when a title has been successfully added.

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