MediaServer Control Properties

The MediaServer control has the following properties.

Access Access Description
BlockMaxBytes R Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of bytes in a block.
BlockPlayTime R Returns a Double value specifying the time, in seconds, for a NetShow Theater block.
Clients R Returns a collection of the currently active NetShow Theater clients.
Cservers R Returns a collection of the NetShow Theater content servers.
Decluster R Returns a Long value specifying the number of disks that participate in the distribution of a block’s backup data. This corresponds to the mirror factor.
FreeStorage R Returns a Double value specifying the available storage, in bytes.
Fullname R Returns a String value specifying the path and name of the NetShow Theater Administrator control.
IsConnected R Returns a Boolean value specifying whether an object is still connected to a NetShow Theater server.
Logging R Returns an IMSrvLogging object for the logging configuration of the server.
MaxBandWidthProperty RW Returns or sets a Double value specifying the currently configured maximum bandwidth, in bits per second, for a particular NetShow Theater Server.
MaxClients RW Returns or sets a Long value specifying the maximum number of allowable concurrent streaming and striding clients that can connect to the NetShow Theater Server.
MaxLicensedClients R Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of the licensed viewers on this server.
MaxOpenTitles R Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of titles that can be concurrently streamed and stridden from NetShow Theater.
MaxPhysicalBandWidth R Returns a Double value specifying the maximum bandwidth, in bits per second, on a given NetShow Theater server.
MaxStorage R Returns a Double value specifying the total storage capacity, in bytes, of NetShow Theater.
MaxStoredTitles R Returns a Long value specifying the maximum number of titles that can be stored on NetShow Theater.
MaxTitleBitRate R Returns a Long value specifying the maximum bandwidth, in bits per second, of titles.
MinTitleBitRate R Returns a Long value specifying the minimum bandwidth, in bits per second, of titles.
NumCServers R Returns a Long value specifying the number of content servers in a NetShow Theater system.
NumDisks R Returns a Long value specifying the number of content server disks in a NetShow Theater system.
NumStreamingClients R Returns a Long value specifying the current number of clients playing content.
OpenTitles R Returns a Long value specifying the number of currently opened titles
Server R Returns a String value specifying the name of the currently connected NetShow Theater server.
ServerStatus R Returns the current operational status of the server, as defined in MSRVSTATUS.
Titles R Returns a Titles collection, implementing the IMSrvTitles interface, of the titles on NetShow Theater.
Version R Returns a String value specifying the NetShow Theater server version identifier.
Walkers R Returns a Walkers collection, implementing the IMSrvWalkers interface, of the installed title walkers in NetShow Theater.

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