AutoRewind Property

Returns or sets a Boolean value specifying whether or not to automatically return to the title’s starting point after it has finished playing or has otherwise stopped.




This property has the following values:

Value Description
True (Default) Title rewinds automatically upon completion or stop.
False Disables automatic rewind.

To retain the current position within the title, set AutoRewind to False, or use the Pause method.

The default behavior is to keep the current position at the end of the file after it is played, with the last image still showing. Setting AutoRewind to True will return the current position to zero after playing.

The state of the image display window after automatic rewinding is determined by other Player control properties. The default behavior is to display the background color of the control. If TransparentAtStart is True, after the file finishes playing, the control will become transparent. If AnimationAtStart is True (and TransparentAtStart is False), the title image is shown.

If PlayCount is greater than 1, the current position is returned to 0 (zero) only after the file is played PlayCount times. Between plays, the last image of the file is shown while play is restarting.

See Also

AutoStart, CurrentPosition

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