Player Control Methods

The control supports the following methods.

Method Description
AboutBox Displays version and copyright information about the control.
Cancel Cancels the Open method before the file completes opening.
FastForward Fast forwards the title’s playback.
FastReverse Rewinds the title’s playback.
GetCodecDescription Returns the description of the codec currently in use.
GetCodecInstalled Determines whether a specific codec is installed.
GetCodecURL Returns the URL for a codec.
GetMarkerName Returns a marker’s name.
GetMarkerTime Returns a marker’s time.
GetMediaInfoString Shows the Information String for the Media.
GetMoreInfoURL Returns a More Information URL.
GetStreamGroup Returns a stream group.
GetStreamName Returns a stream name.
GetStreamSelected Returns whether the stream is currently selected.
IsSoundCardEnabled Determines whether the computer's sound card is enabled.
Next Jumps to the next clip in a playlist.
Open Asynchronously opens a specified title.
Pause Suspends title playback at the current position.
Play Starts playing a title from the starting position or continues playing a paused or stopped title.
Previous Jumps to the previous clip in a playlist.
Stop Stops title playback.
StreamSelect Selects a media stream.

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