Unicast Manager Samples

The following samples illustrates how to use functionality exposed by the Unicast Manager controls using HTML, VBScript, and C programming languages.

Sample Description
NetShow Unicast Server Monitor This simple sample, in HTML and VBScript, displays configuration settings of a NetShow unicast server, and monitors clients connection as well.
NetShow Unicast TraceView Control This simple HTML/VBScript sample uses the Unicast TraceView control to log unicast events. The user can choose to monitor all four types of events.
NetShow Unicast Administration Utility This sample is a console application written in C and illustrates how to use the Admin control within a C application.

To test the SDK sample, you should have the appropriate ActiveX controls installed in your system. It is recommended that you run these samples on a machine that has NetShow installed. To download the complete suite of NetShow products visit the NetShow web site http://www.microsoft.com/NetShow

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