The SESSION_BUFFER structure contains information about a local network session. One or more SESSION_BUFFER structures follows a SESSION_HEADER structure when an application specifies the NCBSSTAT command in the ncb_command member of the NCB structure.

typedef struct _SESSION_BUFFER { // sb 
    UCHAR lsn; 
    UCHAR state; 
    UCHAR local_name[NCBNAMSZ]; 
    UCHAR remote_name[NCBNAMSZ]; 
    UCHAR rcvs_outstanding; 
    UCHAR sends_outstanding; 


Specifies the local session number.
Specifies the state of the session. This member can be one of the following values:
Value Meaning
LISTEN_OUTSTANDING The session is waiting for a call from a remote computer.
CALL_PENDING The session is attempting to connect to a remote computer.
SESSION_ESTABLISHED The session connected and is able to transfer data.
HANGUP_PENDING The session is being deleted due to a command by the local user.
HANGUP_COMPLETE The session was deleted due to a command by the local user.
SESSION_ABORTED The session was abandoned due to a network or user problem.

Specifies the 16-byte NetBIOS name on the local computer used for this session.
Specifies the 16-byte NetBIOS name on the remote computer used for this session.
Specifies the number of pending NCBRECV commands.
Specifies the number of pending NCBSEND and NCBCHAINSEND commands.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in nb30.h.

See Also

The NetBIOS Interface Overview, NetBIOS Structures, NCB, SESSION_HEADER